in Woy Woy on the Central Coast

Air Conditioning Service & Repairs

We’ll make sure your vehicle’s air conditioning is operating optimally to provide you with a comfortable and healthy driving environment. During a routine check-up, we will clean any debris, bacteria build-up, or pet hair to avoid damage to your AC or your health and keep it functioning at its best.

Specialist Diagnostics

Whether it’s for a single-air or dual-air climate control system, we have the tools and knowledge to find the root cause of any air conditioning problems and to provide the right solutions quickly and effectively. If the air conditioning doesn’t appear to be working properly, our auto electrical technicians are experienced and qualified to diagnose any issues and fix them. Allowing you to enjoy driving in even the hottest weather.

Leak Testing

Have you ever been told you need to re-gas your car’s air conditioning system? It’s worth doing a leak test before, otherwise, it could be a costly exercise before you need another re-gas shortly after. Our skilled technicians will perform a thorough leak test on your vehicle to ensure that your cooling and refrigeration system is working properly and is not compromised. Trust us to keep your air conditioning running efficiently.

Car Air Conditioning Service and Repair

Breathe easy with a clean AC system in your vehicle, having it cleaned, leak tested, and maintained regularly.

Customer Benefits.

We have access to all workshop manuals for accurate and reliable details so you can rely on us for a precise and superior result - no guesswork is involved. Enjoy Peninsula local convenience and fast turnaround times.

  • Qualified, trusted and experienced technicians providing you with excellent service
  • Local and familiar convenience with personalised service
  • Affordable and quality solutions
  • Optimal vehicle performance and efficiency

Contact Us For Car Air Conditionaling Servicing

Get in touch to book your next service appointment with our skilled auto electricians, or ask us how we can help you. Complete the online form, email us or give us a call.